Sophianne Solainteau

Age: 35
Birthplace: Ishgard
Wife: Emma Solainteau
Father: Pierre Solainteau
Mother: Selaine Solainteau
Home: Ul'dah
Class: Thaumaturge
Fighting Style: Lightning Mage
Occupation: Alchemical Merchant
Enjoys: Music, art, flowers, and more



Hailing from Ishgard the Solainteau family would not be particularly well known outside of Coerthas or merchant circles. While not counted among the noble families of Ishgard, they made a decent name and living for themselves as merchants, primarily dealing in alchemical and medicinal supplies.The family firmly believed in two things above all else. One, complete reliance on others to defend oneself, family, and business was foolishness of the highest order. Secondly, if one is to deal in alchemical and medicinal supplies one must have deep and intimate knowledge of alchemical and medical practices.Because of these two beliefs, before even being allowed to learn to be a merchant, the Solainteau children must master a martial or magical combat form and be an accomplished Alchemist and chirurgeon. This being the case it would not be uncommon for the next generation to be close to thirty if not more before beginning to learn to take over the family business.Sophianne showed a fair amount of aptitude for the magical arts as a child and thus was taken to Ul'dah at the age of ten where she studied the art of thaumaturgy. A few years later she would also begin her training at Frondale's Phrontistery as an alchemist and chirurgeon.At the tender young age of thirty-five the elezan woman would finally have mastered thaumaturgy, alchemy, and medical practices enough that she would allowed to begin learning the merchant trade, though even she would admit she had much and more to learn about all of them.One of the first things her father did was tell her go out and see the world and network. Not sure what that meant, she traveled back to Ul'dah and joined a Free Company. There she met the love of her life, Emma Newmonte, whom she would later go on to marry.